Please submit the paper via the web site. Papers will be published in DVD media.

Deadline August 8th, 2014 --> extended to 17th August

a) Papers should be edited using the template file, which can be downloaded from the web site shown below.

b) Papers should be in PDF for submission. A paper should have no less than four pages but no more than ten pages. The file size of the paper should be smaller than 5MB.

c) The deadline of paper submission is at 17:00 of August 8th, 2014 (local time). It is expected that the access to the website will be very busy when the deadline approaches. Contributors are advised to submit papers early enough to avoid troubles. --> extended to 24:00 of 17th August (local time)

d) Although review process is not applied for papers submitted to 14JEES, the scientific committee may require authors to revise and resubmit papers for editorial changes.

 Downloadable files
PDF Sample file14JEESsample_E.pdf