Exhibit solicitation information for the technical exhibition
At this symposium, we plan an exhibition about the latest technology and product, which are related to earthquake engineering by company and research organization. We want to do it a place having information about advanced technology of the earthquake engineering for general people.
The exhibition will be held on the following date and time. We hope your participation.
1. Exhibition period :
From Morning, Thursday, November 18, 2010 till Morning of Saturday, November 20 (three days) |
2. Show floor :
Tsukuba international congress center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA)
Address: 2-20-3, Takezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0032 Japan.
http://www.epochal.or.jp/eng/index.html |
3. Number of exhibitors:
About 20 (It will accept in the order of applications received in case of a lot of application. ) |
4. Space fee:
100,000 Japanese Yen
The space of the partition about 1m wide and about 2m deep.
(The participation registration fee of one person is included in the space fee.
We get the extra charge according to the use machine.)
5. The space position:
The position will be decided in order of the acceptance. |
6. space specification:
Screen board, organization name board, one outlet, and one table. |
7. The application method:
Please download the application form, and apply with E-mail or Fax. |
8. application period:
From February, 2010 till September, 2010. |
9. The application form:
It prepares it now. |
As for this content that guides it, some changes might be done through necessity.
Contact and make inquiry to: |
Secretarial Office
The 13th Japan Earthquake Engineering Symposium
Japan Association for Earthquake Engineering
Atchitectural Hall (Kenchiku Kaikan)
26-20, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8414
Tel: +81-3-5730-2831 Fax: +81-3-5730-2830
e-mail: 13jees@general.jaee.gr.jp