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Instructions to the authors

Please first submit an abstract for a review reading. After your abstract is
accepted for presentation, please submit a lecture paper.
The proceedings will be issued in DVD-ROM (or CD-ROM).

1) Abstracts (Deadline May 7, 2010)

2) Lecture paper (Deadline September 8, 2010)

a) Please make a lecture paper using the following temple and sample.

b) Please transfer the paper to the PDF file for submission, and check the file to be 4 - 8 pages, and 5MB (megabytes) or less.

c) The deadline of the submission is 5 PM on September 8, 2010 (Japan Time).

d) Although there will be no review of the lecture papers, you may be asked to resubmit the paper, when it is determined that some minor correction is required for errors in phraseology, indistinct diagrams, and the like.


Text template
PDF sample

* If Microsoft Office2003 is used, it may not be possible to open the downloaded file, so please execute the online update for Office.


Call for papers Submission instructions Call for organized sessions Instructions to the authors Paper review policy Paper submission


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